I am all about equal opportunity. I equally despise both Nazis and Communists.
In fact, the only thing on earth that keeps these types alive when people like us come across them is that there are laws protecting them. So I shake my head at the intensity of anger about a group of Nazis marching in an American city, when a blind eye is turned to the plethora of communist groups from the BLM to the Antifas expressing their violence.
I truly think America is becoming, if not there already, a nation of idiots that are swayed by optics and nothing else. A nation of people that would not know history if it came up and bit them on the ass.
Something that came across my news feed this morning.
According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period. During the century measured, more people died as a result of communism than from homicide (58 million) and genocide (30 million) put together. The combined death tolls of WWI (37 million) and WWII (66 million) exceed communism’s total by only 9 million.
Here is the final tally - non-combat deaths...thus mass murder for political, ideological reasons. And I suspect that Uncle Joe (Stalin) killed just as many Jews as Adolf did. That is historical reality kids. There has been one Nazi leader. There have been multiple communist leaders from Stalin to Mao, and from Pol Pot to Castro - each with his own take on mass murder.
Communism is the socio-political cancer of our times. While all that is left of nazism (Nationalist Socialists) is an ugly scar...communism is still growing and spreading its disease.
Communist Body Count: 149,469,610
Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000
Nobody likes Nazis...but Nazis are no longer a political force in the world. There are no Nazi countries. There are no Nazi political candidates (at least none that can be taken seriously). Communists on the other hand, being far more clever and imaginative have reinvented themselves and organized along ideological lines defined by their adversaries (Antifa), defined by race hatred (Black Lives Matter, Black Guerrilla Family, Black Panthers), and defined by other counter culture, anti-establishment, anti-wealth ideologies. But make no mistake, at the root of all these movements you will find pure and undiluted communism.
The Nazi in the media is merely a red herring...the attention-getter waved about by the seemingly indignant communist as he gets closer and closer to his goals. America is so entraced by this that they ignore the communist's own onward march.
My take on all the riots and demnstrations: This is a dying gasp of communism in America.
Like him or not, Trump is a symbol as well as a President, And that symbol's election shows that the majority are not communists, socialists, or liberals. That they want and want to hold on to the dream that is America and the opportunity it represents, and not the communist utopia of Jerry Brown and Maxine Waters and Barak Obama.
And the left knows what I have said, that many Americans are historically, and likely actually, illiterate and their lives and thoughts are driven by media optics rather than truth and fact. Their hope is to ensare as many "useful idiots" into their wave of indignant rhetoric that it may stifle anything the president wants to accomplish - and hold the line until 2020.
The communist is eminently more dangerous to America than a mere jihadist. I doubt that even the most melting, offended, skinny jeans wearing snowflake wants to live in REAL communism...but that is what these useful idiots are pushing for...and in this country, something some of us will never allow to happen.
Communism is the enemy of fascism and Fascism the enemy of Communism...but only like two hyenas fighting over the body of an antelope. They are both looking for the same thing.
The enemy of both Communism and Fascism?
It is Capitalism.
A well written article! Short sweet and hits hard with 100% truth
Posted by: Curt | Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 10:01
An appropriate article for the times we live in!.... to all who read this article pass it along and educate!
Gabe this article is another home run illustrating the truth!
Posted by: Curt | Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 13:30
Very well written, and right on the mark.
Posted by: Andy | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 12:34
Comunism and fascism are to dresses for the same monster, totalitarism and end of human dignity and freedom. It's not hard to see how similar are both.
Posted by: Dardo Lopez-Dolz | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 12:39
Great analysis. To defeat an enemy, first you have to be able to identify him.
Posted by: Chuck Hustmyre | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 12:42
Don't sugar coat it, Gabe. Tell us how you really feel! :)))
Unfortunately, even when the younger generation is confronted with facts, they tend to default to the optics and the headline. It's like trying to argue religion except we're talking about the survival of our society as we used to know it.
Great piece!
Posted by: Tom | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 12:46
I don't know if you saw this, but PragerU just released a man-on-the-street interview about income equality with some snowflakes in the East Village. In the interview, he asked a number of ordinary (for EV types) folks about the importance of income equality to them as a value. He then proceeds to present the case for Venezuela, the current poster child of income equality.
Unbelievably, they said that they would prefer that context to their own. I was astounded. They must not understand what it would mean for the government to enforce "income equality."
Well said, sir!
Posted by: David Thompson | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 13:34
Words will never be written that are more trueful then yours,I wish a snapping of our fingers would awaken or enlighten the generations of today of the future and of decades yet to be born that communism is a force that will always be present in forms and manners that we must always fight.And BTW the shockwave is an awesome Weapon
Posted by: Charles Darwin Slater | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 17:04
Everything you said is verily true. I will continue to hope that the American sheep will wake up and understand that a truly free market, something that President Trump is trying to recover, will make the poor truly free.
I never ever got a job from a poor man or women. It is the entrepreneur that makes employment possible. The poor will never pull themselves out of poverty via the government dole. It just won't happen. There are not enough hard working people from which the collectivist will try to extort their hard earned paycheck to pay for all the social programs the likes of Maxine Waters or Barak Obama and others of their ilk want to implement!
Posted by: Gordy | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 17:17
Well said. The difference between communism and fascism is like the difference between arsenic and strychnine. As Gabe points out, the communists have merely been more skillful and sneaky at peddling their lies. One thing to add: abortion conditions "civilized" people to think mass murder is OK. Once any group is marketed to the sheep as OK to dispose of, it isn't too long before the target conveniently becomes your own group. Notice Soviet Russia and Castro's Cuba and one-child Red China have all been big proponents of state-sponsored abortion. Abortion proponent Emma Goldman was also a big fan of the Bolsheviks until she traveled to Russia to see for herself what was actually going on. Condition people to think the mass slaughter of helpless children is defensible and it becomes far easier to herd this or that group into work camps that are really extermination camps. All for the rationalized "good of society." You merely need to define the victims as sub-human, like Hitler's goons calling undesirable Jews "Untermenschen" (sub-humans). The so-called "Supreme" Court has already institutionalized this gambit in the U.S. by pretending unborn babies are not really human, not really persons, and therefore fit for vivisection for profit at hundreds of abortion mills across 50 states. Now that the United States has murdered over 60 million innocent children in abortion mills via surgical abortion alone, not to mention chemical abortions with abortion pills that starve the placenta and slowly asphyxiate the victim, the United States is on track to shrug off millions more deemed to be undesirable, whether as little kids or as members of this or that political group. Just the consequence of psychological conditioning thanks to incompetent parenting and schools designed to serve the interests of Big Brother. Hitler and Stalin were bad enough. If America sheep citizens continue to be apathetic, we will end up being worse than Nazis and Communists. Just like the average German or Russian lacked the brains and guts to face up to the problem, now many smug complacent citizens are on track to be exterminated by a killing machine of their own acquiescence. Hillary and her ilk wanted to enslave America not only via gun control to disarm the gullible peasants, but also via talking fools into thinking it is OK to murder their own children. That's why the gang of the world's racketeering genocidal convicts includes not only nazis and communists, but also the Hillaries and Pelosis and Schumers of modern smiling deceiving American politics, along with their judicial henchmen who have no clue what justice is. Actually they do know what justice is, they are just hoping millions of morons can't detect their sneering murderous hypocrisy.
Posted by: Randy Crawford | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 17:32
isn't is ironic that they protest fascism yet they act worse or as fascist to protest it...
Posted by: Nsheldon | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 18:44
Well said Sir. I believe you are expressing the thoughts and feelings of the Americans that are,"like minded." I also believe the media sque's the actually amount of People the agree with Trump and are getting tired of these jobless turds "representing," Americans , rioting and making the world believe that it's the majority of Americans.. Most people I know, ( Yes, even herein cali) tend to lean away from the antifa, BLM , commie idiots..
Posted by: Jordan Redford | Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 19:24
I beg to differ. The capitalist these days is dominating politics with his money power and influence. It should be the other way round: politics should be the leading role player. Capitalists syphon off jobs into cheap wage countries and thus denying their own people the opportunity to work and prosper. Capitalists don't mind when the country is flooded with illegal and unqualified immigrants because these are more cheap labour on home soil. Capitalists worry only about profit. When the country becomes somewhat unsafe because of social strife and unrest, the capitalist simply retreats to his private island and sits it out there while the normal citizens bear the damage and the security forces have to battle it out with the mob on rampage.
It is the nationalist who wants to retain jobs for his kinsmen whom he wants to prosper and have a decent life. It is the nationalist who worries about the safety of the country's borders and the safety of his people in their cities, towns and countryside. It is the nationalists who think and plan for the future of their peoples and their own kind.
It is only that in modern day lingo the title "nationalist" has been put on one level with the title Nazi (national socialist); an invention of the communist propaganda talk. Communists, leftists, liberals hate nationalists because they stand against their equalising ideology and their constant lowering of standards. Capitalists also don't like nationalists, because latter would prefer a clean, corruption-free politics where the elected representatives are the first servants of their peoples and not the stirrup holders and accomplices of the capitalists. Both, communists and capitalists, are the enemies of their peoples. The one openly, the other more subtle.
Posted by: Steffen | Friday, August 25, 2017 at 01:14
Thanks Gabe. Always good commentary and insight.
“The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ― George Orwell
Any doubt that we are seeing this in play today everywhere we look? How many under 60 have even a most basic knowledge of this country's history... or cares?
“He who knows only his own generation remains forever a child.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
You are correct, many in this country have been raised to be total idiots. what's worse, they seem to relish and be proud of their ignorance. As a whole they are a bunch of lazy snowflakes who couldn't use critical thinking to work their way out of a paper bag.
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” - George Orwell, 1984
The manipulation of the masses is probably even worse than any of us dare to realize.
"You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you." - Leon Trotsky
Most of us hope that this isn't the case for America. But there is a strong possibility, even perhaps a probability, that this is coming to a neighborhood near all of us sooner than later.
The enemy of both Communism and Fascism?
It is Capitalism. Yes, along with historical knowledge and critical thinking outside the pack mentality.
We are living in interesting times.
Posted by: Mike | Friday, August 25, 2017 at 02:39
Well done. Most of my friends are well educated but some lack the ability to stand off and objectively assess the situation in the face of the mainstream media's gushing onslaught of slanted commentary disguised as straight news. Reality and historical perspective coupled with critical thinking give us well-grounded conclusions like those that you have clearly espoused in the above article. That's why I continue to read all your stuff whenever it's available!
Posted by: Jeffedwards | Friday, August 25, 2017 at 08:00
That was really interesting and very informative.
Posted by: Tom Wacker | Friday, August 25, 2017 at 20:03
Perfectly written!!!
Posted by: walter Mitty | Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 09:12
well said Sir...
Posted by: jim | Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 19:35
Years back I worked with a KGB agent. One day we were talking about genocide, and in particular that perpetrated on the Ukrainians. I pointed to about 20 Millions deaths. He said to me, "Nicholas, if it wasn't at least 30 Million, I'd be very surprised." I mention the story because I thought your body count for the 20th Century was low.
As for the Nazi's marching in our streets let me point to another Communist, Vladamir Lennon; “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
It is been coming out that the leaders of the so-called Nazi's were associates of the democratic party. The same party that lifted the KKK from obscurity to the hate group it became, and took over about 27 state legislatures in the 20's.
Posted by: Nick | Monday, August 28, 2017 at 15:17
"....like two hyenas fighting over the body of an antelope."
What a perfect analogy. Just PERFECT !
Posted by: DAN III | Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 02:53